Milestone Achieved – 500,000 Containers
At approximately 1300 today, Trent Dale, Quay Crane driver on QC4 at Hutchison Ports Sydney made maritime history by lifting the 500,000th container to flow through Hutchison Ports Australia! The vessel was the 4200 TEU SEASPAN LUMACO operated by OOCL.
Brisbane Container Terminals Pty Limited handled the very first vessel for Hutchison Ports Australia back on 10th May 2013 with the arrival of the 700 TEU vessel CAPITAINE TASMAN.
500,000 containers is a proud achievement for the Hutchison Ports family. On behalf of the EXCO team I would like to convey my sincere thanks to every one of our employees for their valuable contribution towards this significant milestone.
John Willy
Acting Chief Executive Officer